Marche d'Hiver was a Success!

The major fundraiser for the La Liason parent organization, of the Lyceé Français was this past Saturday and it was a big success.  This was easily the largest event on the church's property in recent history.  The Lyceé Français is a public school that has 4 preschool classes located in our building, so we wish them great success.  

We were excited to participate with 2 musical performances by our Bell Choir Carolers. We also had a booth hosted by Pastor Fred, who was helping to sell pumpkin butter produced from our pumpkin patch inventory by Locally Preserved, selling our self-published church cookbooks, More Favorites from First, and Christmas CD's, and talking to visitors about First Presbyterian.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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