Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service

Monday night Pastor Fred Powell and Deacon Dave Capasso attended the Week of Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church.  It was a gathering of Orthodox and Protestant clergy from throughout the greater New Orleans area to pray for Christian unity. 

It was a meaningful worship experience in an incredibly majestic church and the music was incredible- including the combined choirs of Our Lady of the Lake and Holy Name of Jesus, with vocals and instruments by several musicians, reports Pastor Fred.  In attendance were Catholic Archbishop Aymer and Episcopal Bishop Morris Thompson, as well as FPC members Carolyn Graetz, Linda Wilson and David Capasso.  The homilist,  Rev. Philip Latronico, is the Interfaith Director of the RC Archdiocese of New Jersey…and is waiting a few more days before going home to the snow. 

Pastor Fred was seated next to Fr. George Wilson, who is the priest in charge of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox cathedral. David Capasso had been invited to participate in sprinkling the congregation during the rite of renewal of baptismal vows. 

Pictured here are Rev. Philip Latronico, Dave Capasso, Rev. Fred Powell, Commander Ronald Schexnayder, Knight of the Order of St. Peter Claver.  You can see in Rev. Philip Latronico's hand a plastic go-cup, which he used to illustrate his sermon which was based on Jesus meeting the woman at the well, titled "Get me a Drink" and talked about getting "living water" to geaux.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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