Epiphany Stars of all Kinds

It is not unusual in New Orleans to find people enthusiasitcally celebrating Epiphany, and we are no different at First Presbyterian. We have a long standing tradition of distributingout Epiphany stars. The stars are simple paper cut outs with a stick pin attached that contains a Christian attribute. Everyone in the attendance that day chooses their star from the dish. The stars are placed face down so each star is chosen at random to give an element of surprise. Members find the stars to be a fun tradition that can be posted in a prominent spot in your home such as a bedroom mirror, to remind you to accentuate that Christian attribute all year.

In addition to the paper stars, this year the children of the church decorated star shaped gingerbread cookies. The star cookies were then brought down for the congregation to enjoy with coffee and the other refreshements after worship. The cookies were not only decorated beautifully, they were delicious!

Charlie Fisher is pictured here with his star cookie and his Epiphay star- which shows Helpfulness. What a wonderful attribute for a 4 year old!  


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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