Finish the Kitchen Fundraiser

Help First Presbyterian finish our kitchen renovation!

We have set up a Go Fund Me campaign to finish our kitchen renovation project.  As they say, "The kitchen is the heart of the home," and at First Presbyterian we already have a lot of heart.  What we don't have is a proper commercial kitchen.  

We are known for being welcoming, affirming, and open our doors to everyone in worship.  We also apply that philosophy to events.  We are open to non-member weddings, often accommodating brides and grooms that have been turned away from other churches.  We have multicultural dance groups- Cuban Salsa, Tango, and Square Dancers all using our Fellowship Hall on a regular basis for very reasonable rental rates.  We realize these groups are not large revenue generators but we value their place in our community.  We were the founding location of the Lycee Francais French Immersion public charter school.  In the past we have hosted bridal showers, 90th birthday parties, wedding receptions, fish frys, movie nights, bead sorting events, and more.  Our kitchen was outdated, in need of a new floor, and becoming a liability. 

About a year ago we started renovating our kitchen, which is just off our busy Fellowship Hall.  As with any renovation project, there have been unexpected costs and delays. We need your help to finish the job.  

If you have found us to be a welcoming congregation and would like to see us continue to grow as a venue for special events and neighborhood activities, please make a donation today - any amount will help!  Share this with your friends and help make the kitchen a reality!  With your help we can continue to grow as a welcoming venue for all sorts of events.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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