Goodsearch- an engine for funds! is a website powered by Yahoo that serves as a search domain for charitable organizations.  If you use this website and designate First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans, we will get compensated for every search that takes place.  If you're able to set as your home page, you’ll start using it regularly, and FPCNO will benefit from it! 

Don’t forget to add it to your phone, home computer and other mobile devices. 

You can also shop with or the Goodshop App, and for every purchase, a percentage will go to the church. 

Every little bit helps!  And Goodsearch tracks how much we have earned at the top left of the page, so check it out! 

Learn more on our Goodsearch instruction page:


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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