Service of Christian Marriage

From The Book of Common Worship, 1993

This is intended as a guide to a service of Marriage for use at First Presbyterian Church, Cliff Nunn pastor. Choices are made by the bride and groom as to portions of prayers, Scripture Readings, optional calls to worship, etc. In this document,

BBBB = Bride's name

GGGG = Groom's name

PPPP = Parent's name

S1 = First Scripture Reading

S2 = Second Scripture Reading

D&T = Date and Time


For The Marriage of BBBB and GGGG


Entrance of Groom and groomsmen, pastor, ring bearer and/or flower bearer.


(Either before or after the entrance, the people are called to worship with these or other words of Scripture)

Pastor: God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. (I John 4:16)


This is the day that the Lord has made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

Entrance of brides maid and attendants.

Entrance of bride and father


(This can be done at this point in the ceremony, later after the declaration of intent, or can simply not be used. The person giving away the bride can be the father, friend, uncle, grandparent, etc.)

Who presents this bride in marriage

PPPPP: Her mother and I.


(Some or all of the paragraphs below can be selected.)

Pastor: We have gathered in the presence of God

to give thanks for the gift of marriage,

to witness the joining together of GGGG and BBBB,

to surround them with our prayers,

and to ask God's blessing upon them,

so that they may be strengthened for their life together

and nurtured in their love for God.

God created us male and female,

and gave us marriage

so that husband and wife

may help and comfort each other,

living faithfully together

in plenty and in want,

in joy and in sorrow,

in sickness and in health,

throughout all their days.

God gave us marriage

for the full expression of the love between a man and a woman.

In marriage a woman and a man belong to each other,

and with affection and tenderness

freely give themselves to each other.

God gave us marriage

for the well-being of human society,

for the ordering of family life,

and for the birth and nurture of children.

God gave us marriage as a holy mystery

in which a man and a woman are joined together,

and become one,

just as Christ is one with the church.

In marriage, husband and wife are called to a new way of life

created, ordered, and blessed by God.

This way of life must not be entered into carelessly,

or from selfish motives,

but responsibility, and prayerfully.

We rejoice that marriage is given by God,

blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ,

and sustained by the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, let marriage be held in honor among all.


Let us pray.

Gracious God, you are always faithful in your love for us.

Look mercifully upon GGGG and BBBB

who have come seeking your blessing.

Let your Holy Spirit rest upon them

so that with steadfast love

they may honor the promises they make this day,

through Jesus Christ our Savior.



GGGG, understanding that God has created, ordered

and blessed the covenant of marriage,

do you affirm your desire and intention

to enter this covenant?

OR if baptized, the following may be used.

GGGG, in your baptism

you have been called to union with Christ and the church.

Do you intend to honor this calling

through the covenant of marriage


BBBB, understanding that God has created, ordered

and blessed the covenant of marriage,

do you affirm your desire and intention

to enter this covenant?

OR if baptized, the following may be used.

BBBB, in your baptism

you have been called to union with Christ and the church.

Do you intend to honor this calling

through the covenant of marriage



(Either the affirmation of the family and or the affirmation of the congregation or both affirmations can be used.)

PPPPP Do you give your blessing to GGGG and BBBB,

and promise to do everything in your power

to uphold them in their marriage?



Will all of you witnessing these vows do everything in your power to uphold GGGG and BBBB in their marriage?


(Psalm, hymn, or anthem may be sung)


(The Prayer for Illumination follows)

God of mercy, your faithfulness to your covenant

frees us to live together

in the security of your powerful love.

Amid all the changing words of our generation,

may we hear your eternal Word that does not change.

Then may we respond to your gracious promises

with faithful and obedient lives;

through our Lord Jesus Christ.


(Bride and Groom should select one or both readings of Scripture).
Pastor: Listen for the word of God. This is a reading from S1

Pastor: Listen for the word of God. This is a reading from S2

Pastor: SERMON (Dr. Nunn reserves the right to speak a meditation on the Scripture lesson)

VOWS (Slight changes in wording would be considered.)


since it is your intention to marry,

face one another, join hands

and with your promises

bind yourselves to each other as husband and wife.

(Bride and Groom face each other and join hands)

(Pastor leads the vows a phrase at a time)

GGGG: I GGGG take you BBBB

to be my wife;

and I promise,

before God and these witnesses,

to be your loving and faithful husband;

in plenty and in want;

in joy and in sorrow;

in sickness and in health;

as long as we both shall live.

BBBB: I BBBB take you GGGG

to be my husband;

and I promise,

before God and these witnesses,

to be your loving and faithful wife;

in plenty and in want;

in joy and in sorrow;

in sickness and in health;

as long as we both shall live.

(An alternate wording would be:

Before God and these witnesses, I, GGGG take you, BBBB to be my wife

and I promise to love you,

and to be faithful to you,

as long as we both shall live.)


Pastor: What do you bring as a sign of your promise?

(Pastor blesses the rings)

By your blessing, O God,

may these rings be to GGGG and BBBB

symbols of unending love and faithfulness,

reminding them of the covenant they have made

this day,

through Jesus Christ our Lord


(Pastor leads each in vows)

GGGG: BBBB, I give you this ring

as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love

in the name of the Father,

and of his Son,

our Savior, Jesus Christ.

(The one receiving the ring can optionally respond in the following manner.

BBBB: I receive this ring,

as a sign of our covenant

in the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.)

BBBB: GGGG, this ring I give you

as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love

in the name of the Father,

and of his Son,

our Savior, Jesus Christ.

(The one receiving the ring can optionally respond in the following manner.

GGGG: I receive this ring,

as a sign of our covenant

in the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.)


PASTOR: Let us pray.

(Paragraphs from below should be selected)

Eternal God,

creator and preserver of all life,

author of salvation

and giver of all grace:

look with favor upon the world you have made and redeemed,

and especially upon GGGG and BBBB.

Give them wisdom and devotion in their common life,

that each may be to the other

a strength in need,

a comfort in sorrow,

a counselor in perplexity,

and a companion in joy.

Grant that their wills may be so knit together in your will,

and their spirits in your Spirit,

that they may grow in love and peace

with you and each other

all the days of their life.

Give them the grace,

when they hurt each other,

to recognize and confess their fault,

and the grace to seek each other's forgiveness,

and yours.

Make their life together

a sign of Christ's love to this sinful and broken world,

that community may overcome estrangement,

forgiveness heal guilt,

and joy conquer despair.

Give them such fulfillment of their mutual love

that they may reach out in concern for others.

Give to them, if it is your will,

the gift of children,

and the wisdom to bring them up

to know you, to love you,

and to serve you.

Grant that all who have witnessed these vows today

may find their lives strengthened,

and that all who are married

may depart with their own promises renewed.

Enrich with your grace

all husbands and wives, parents and children

that, loving and supporting one another,

they may serve those in need

and be a sign of your kingdom.

Grant that the bonds of our common humanity,

by which all your children are united one to another,

may be so transformed by your Spirit

that your peace and justice may fill the earth,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Eternal God,

without your grace no promise is sure.

Strengthen GGGG and BBBB with patience, kindness, gentleness,

and all other gifts of your Spirit,

so that they may fulfill the vows they have made.

Keep them faithful to each other and to you.

Fill them with such love and joy

that they may build a home of peace and welcome.

Guide them by your word

to serve you all their days.

Enable us all, O God,

in each of our homes and lives to do your will

Enrich us with your grace

so that, encouraging and supporting one another,

we may serve those in need

and hasten the coming of peace, love, and justice on earth,

through Jesus Christ, our lord. AMEN


Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name

they kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

forever, AMEN.


Before God and in the presence of these friends

GGGG and BBBB have made their solemn vows to each other

they have confirmed their promises by the joining of hands,

and by the giving and receiving of rings.

Therefore, I proclaim that they are now

husband and wife.

Blessed be the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever.

(the couple kiss)

Pastor: Those whom God has joined together

let no one separate.


As God's own

clothe yourselves with compassion,

kindness, and patience,

forgiving each other

as the Lord has forgiven you,

and crown all these things with love

which binds everything together in perfect



What ever you do, in word or deed

do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God through him.


The Lord Bless you and keep you

The Lord be kind and gracious to you

The Lord look upon you with favor

and give you peace.



The grace of Christ attend you,

the love of God surround you,

the Holy Spirit keep you,

that you may live in faith,

abound in hope,

and grow in love,

both now and forevermore.


(All parties exit bride and groom, groomsmen

and bridesmaid, parents, then pastor, then


After the marriage, the proper legal documents are signed in the back of the church and additional picture taking can occur.

NOTE: This liturgy is adapted from the Book of Common Worship of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1993. There are alternate liturgies as follows.

In the Presbyterian Church, weddings were at one time an event celebrated right in the middle of the normal Sunday Worship of the local church. This is an alternative that is always possible. It affirms that a wedding is really a worship service, and it provides a means whereby the normal, worshiping community can witness and affirm wedding vows.

Communion can also be served at a wedding. Unless both bride and groom are from a Christian, even Presbyterian tradition, this presents problems for some who might attend the wedding service. But it is possible and an affirmation of the presence of God at a wedding service. Permission of the governing body of First Presbyterian Church would be required.

There is also a service for those previously married in a civil ceremony. This could also be adapted as a reaffirmation of a marriage ceremony performed many years ago.