Support the Program of Hope on Give NOLA Day

Tuesday, May 7th is Give NOLA Day, the 24 hour and we are decicating all of the funds to the Program of Hope, our homless outreach program.

The Program of Hope is the largest mission at First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans. With the help of volunteers from seven local Presbyterian churches, Social Workers from Tulane University, Nurses and Residents from LSU Health Sciences Center, and other community partners across the Greater New Orleans area, the Program of Hope assists over 100 clients every week. Some of the services provided are: housing vouchers to the Salvation Army, clothing, food, bus tokens, counseling, job placement, spiritual needs, health screenings, and much, much more.

The donation link is

The goal of the campaign is to spread the word out about the good work that the Program of Hope is doing in the community and to help support the program not only financially, but with the donations of clothing, toiletries, and non-perishable foods. 

If you're unable to donate on Give NOLA Day, there are other ways to support. The Program of Hope is always accepting donations of clothing, toiletries, and non-perishable food items. Men's clothing is especially in need right now.

There will be a donation bin at the rear entrance of the building on South Prieur Street either outside or in the downstairs hallway for people to drop items off.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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