Capital Campaign

Welcome to our capital campaign! This is the little church that could!
First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans is no longer a big congregation in terms of members, but its outreach to the community touches hundreds of lives every week.
This church is blessed with an amazing campus of buildings constructed in the late 1930s by a congregation committed in faith to continuing to bring the message of the love of Jesus Christ, not only to the local community but also to the world.
Today, the church understands its mission in terms of sharing its buildings with other groups that work for the betterment of this community and the world. They’re not “our” buildings. They’re a gift from God to be shared with others. We currently house a day care center that remained open throughout the pandemic to care for the children of first responders and health care workers. We provide worship space and offices for the Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans. We host the Big Easy AA group, one of the city’s largest, on Tuesday evenings. We welcome the less fortunate to the sanctuary on Wednesday mornings, where they can receive vouchers to the Salvation Army, transit tokens, toiletries, lunches, and personal items, as well as have access to social workers. We invite couples from the local community and destinations far from here to be married in a Christian wedding ceremony in our beautiful sanctuary. We have other groups that use the building for events as well. In addition, the buildings have been used as location shots for documentaries, feature films, commercials, and television programs.
First Presbyterian Church is a busy place! And as a busy place that is now more than eighty years old, it has to be maintained. There are crucial repairs that need to be made at this time in order to keep the buildings functioning well for all the people who depend on them. The cost of making these repairs is well beyond the scope of the normal church budget – things like replacing aging air conditioning systems, which were installed all about the same time after the post-Katrina flooding of 2005, so they are all reaching the end of their lives at around the same time. There are several significant roof leaks that are currently being repaired. In fact, roof repairs and addressing leaks seems to be an ongoing rather than a once-in-a-while occasion for a complex as large as ours. On our “wish list” is a plan to convert a restroom off the narthex to one that is handicap accessible, as well as to complete renovations to the church kitchen so that groups can use the space for preparing meals.
Won’t you join us in helping this church continue its mission to the community? Our goal is to raise $100,000 over the next year for capital improvements. You can donate to the campaign by clicking here, which will take you to a PayPal link. We can also accept donations of stock and welcome your planned estate giving. To learn more about these options, send an email to the church at and someone will be in touch.
Donate to FPCNO's Capital Campaign!
Contact Info
5401 South Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
Phone:(504) 866-7409
Presbyterian Fun Fact
There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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