First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans will mark both its own long history and the history of the Presbyterian Church in New Orleans with a festive weekend of anniversary events November 10 and 11.
Festivities will begin on Saturday, November 10 with a birthday bash for all ages. Activities will include a scavenger hunt and a bounce house, along with food and beverages, hosted in the churchyard. The birthday bash will be held from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm.
The next day, November 11, the church will hold a celebration worship service in the sanctuary, led by Rev. Dr. William Mackintosh, former minister of the congregation, Rev. Kathy Crighton, and Elder Tracy René Helms-Capasso. The service will be followed by cake and refreshments. Worship begins at 11:00 am.
The church that would become First Presbyterian was launched at a public meeting on February 9, 1818, when a “donation list” was opened to purchase a lot and build a church. That first building was erected by January 1819. Other Presbyterian churches would follow throughout metropolitan New Orleans.
Fires and hurricanes were a regular part of the history of First Presbyterian, along with several moves. In 1938 the church moved to its current location at 5401 South Claiborne Avenue. This building, too, would endure hurricanes, including the floodwaters following the levee failures of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Like disasters of its past, the congregation worked together to rebuild, aided by many in the larger Presbyterian Church and community.
All are invited to participate in the activities celebrating the church’s history and vibrant presence in New Orleans.
First Presbyterian Church is the oldest Presbyterian congregation in Louisiana and the oldest reformed congregation in the entire Mississippi Basin. It was the first full More Light congregation in Louisiana and shares its space with another church, a daycare center, and dance and social organizations. The church hosts weekly Alcoholic Anonymous meetings and the Program of Hope, a homeless outreach program that provides access to a range of services.