Advent Events!

Join us during Advent as we move through this special season of the church year!

December 1: 11 a.m. worship service with communion. Sermon series: Advent Windows
December 1: 6 p.m. Advent Study in Session Room and on Zoom: The Word Made Flesh
December 5: The tree arrives!
December 8: 11 a.m. worship service. Youth lead worship; all decorate the tree and sanctuary
December 8: 6 p.m. Advent Study continues
December 12: 7 p.m. Shades of Praise gospel choir concert in sanctuary
December 15: 11 a.m. worship service. Lessons and Carols service.
December 15: 6 p.m. Advent Study continues
December 22: 11 a.m. worship service. Sermon series: Advent Windows
December 22: 6 p.m. Advent Study concludes
December 24: 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in sanctuary
December 29: 11 a.m. worship service. 
January 5: 11 a.m. worship service with communion. Come get your Epiphany Star!


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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