Palm Sunday, March 28
Elder and teacher extraordinaire Bruce Robertson will preach.
Maundy Thursday, April 1
Tenebrae service with communion in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. Rev. Kathy and Elder Zane Fisher will lead the service.
Good Friday, April 2
Sanctuary open for prayer from noon to three.
Easter Sunday, April 4
Worship and communion service at 11:00 in the sanctuary. Easter Egg hunt for the younger children at 10:30 in the fenced play yard.
Yes, we are still wearing masks and maintaining social distance, per the rules set out by the City of New Orleans and State of Louisiana as a condition of staying open. Several of the surrounding churches in the neighborhood are still closed for in-person worship and are worshiping online. The only way we can continue offering in-person services is for everyone to comply with the mask and social distancing rules. Thanks to all who have been so faithful for all these months!