Getting Ready for Easter

We have several observances planned for Holy Week and celebtrations planned for Easter Sunday.  Please join us!  All are welcome.  

Maundy Thursday 6:00 pm Thursday, April 2nd. Start in the Fellowship Hall with a "Stations of Deliverance" Passover experience as you make a personal, quiet, journey with Jesus at your own pace to 6 different stations that tell the story of Exodus and Jesus last Supper with his disciples (6pm to 6.45 pm). Then we will gather for a short communion service in the sanctuary at 6.45.

Good Friday Prayer Centers Noon to 3pm and 6pm to 7 pm Friday, April 3rd. The sanctuary will be open for prayer both in the afternoon and the evening. We will have a labyrinth, stations of the cross and other devotions to help you participate in Christ's passion and death. 

Easter Sunrise Service 7 am, Sunday, April 5th with Parkway Presbyterian Church at the main shelter in Lafrenière Park in Metairie.

Easter Egg Hunt Easter Bonnet Contest 10:30 am, Easter Morning, Sunday, April 5th. Kids and adults- make a wild and crazy beautiful bonnet and wear it before church on Easter Morning. We also ask that you bring either plastic eggs or a bag of candy to put in the eggs...for the kids (and well, may be couple of Gold Brick Eggs for adults…) Bring your children and grandchildren for the fun!

Easter Service of the Resurrection 11am Easter Sunday, April 5th Bring your family and friends for this joyous Communion service. In all the excitement, please don’t forget to bring canned goods and donations for the hungry!


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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