Happy 4th Sunday of Advent

As the fourth Sunday of Advent approaches we continue to contemplate the coming of Christ this season. We invite you to come caroling in the neighborhood tomorrow night as we share Christ's LOVE for us with each other as we walk though the neighborhood with handbells, bringing JOY to those who are surprised by a knock on their door following by ringing and enthusiastic singing. (Meet at that S. Prieur St. Church doors at 5pm.) Sunday morning during worship we have a special performance by our children's choir where our youth give us HOPE for PEACE in the next generation, despite the current heartbreaking events across the globe and at home.

Own Justin Wood will be in the pulpit to deliver the message this week.

We welcome all of you to join us this Sunday at 11am and on Christmas Eve where we find all of these gifts, Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in the warm sanctuary filled with candlelight, fellowship, and wonder. Our traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service will be at 6pm.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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