It's Wedding Season At First Presbyterian

At First Presbyterian we are up to our ears with weddings, anniversaries, and bridal shows. It's wedding season and we can't be happier for our couples, friends, and families.  We can accommodate all kinds of weddings, from NFL players and society types to hipsters and flower children.  Our sanctuary has a truly magical vibe and can be grand and intimate at the same time.  We welcome all couples.

We are participating in a bridal show for the first time in June.  Come see us at New Orleans Bride Magazine's Bridal Show on June 10th from 6pm-9pm at Hyatt Regency.

Check out our wedding album here and on Facebook:

Contact Cheryl for ceremony and reception information. of 504-866-7409.

(Photo used with permission, Tommy Daspit Photography, taken in the Fellowship Hall)


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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