Hello everyone,
I've completed my 6 month update to let everyone know the number of vouchers given
each month as well as the number of new men and women we see every month. This
includes January/June, 2013.
Vouchers Men Women
January: 180 14 11
February: 128 14 9
March: 118 14 8
April: 154 23 14
May: 151 13 20
June: 153 13 22
Totals 884 91 84
We have given out less vouchers this year; in the same time frame, than last year. The
reason for this is that each individual has to show a letter from the Salvation Army stating
that they are staying there. If they do not have this letter, we do not give them vouchers.
The men and women are just the new people that have been seen so far this year. As you
can see from the total number of vouchers given out, we have seen many more people come
for our help. Also, the men still seem to out number the women when it comes to the need
for vouchers.
By the end of December, I will try and get the rest of the information to you.