Program of Hope Year End Summary 2014

In 2014, the Program of Hope served over three thousand people.  Every Wednesday morning volunteers open our sanctuary to create a compassionate and nurturing environment and provide participants with overnight vouchers to the Salvation Army, clothing, counseling, spiritual care, meals, job placement, resume assistance, bus tokens, and much more.

The all-volunteer, group, including Pastor Fred Powell, meets on Mondays to sort clothing donations and every Wednesday morning the Sanctuary is opened to welcome those in need.  Volunteers come from our own church as well as partner churches such as St. Charles Avenue Presbyerian, Lakeview Presbyterian, Parkway Presbyterian, and many others.  

We keep a tally of how many Salvation Army overnight vouchers are distributed. The number of men who received vouchers was about 2/3 and about 1/3 for the women.  October seemed to be when the most vouchers were written, although the number of people seen was just about even during the other months.  The voucher tally only shows the number of people receiving vouchers: 2081.  There are between 100 and 120 seeking other services that we offer.  These numbers have also been growing at a steady pace and it seems very unlikely that it will end soon.  


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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