Souper Bowl Offering 2021

Hi, all! This Sunday is "the big game," the one the Saints are not playing in :-(

But it is the Sunday we will receive the annual "Souper Bowl" offering to help the hungry in our community. 100% of what we raise goes to feed the hungry right here in New Orleans.
This year the session has designated the Broadmoor Food Pantry, which is currently our partner in mission with the Program of Hope, to receive the offering. Right now our Program of Hope has a "pop up location" at the Pantry on Wednesday afternoons. PoH will return to the church on February 24. 
We'll be receiving the offering after the children's moment on Sunday. If you think you won't be in church that day, you can send your gift to the church, earmarked for "Souper Bowl Offering."
Want to know more about the Souper Bowl? Go to

Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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