Dear Church,
I’m really excited about worship this week! My dear friend Jeff Moles will be in town and has offered to share his musical gifts with the congregation. I’ve worked with quite a number of music directors, organists, and pianists over the years, and can say without exception that no one did a better job than Jeff at helping the congregation to worship through music. We are blessed that he is sharing that gift with us on Sunday.
The focus of Sunday’s worship is prayer. We will pray in our music, in the scripture readings, in written prayers, and in prayer that we will create together when we gather. Sunday’s bulletin cover has a quote from Pope Francis that I used in my sermon a couple of weeks ago. “You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. That’s how prayer works.” My hope is that Sunday’s service will be nourishing and faith-giving while we are there, then will sustain us in our calling to love others in the world.
Jeff loves Jesus even more than he loves music, which I think it what helps him connect so deeply with congregations. He’ll be teaching us a couple of new songs. The first half of the service will be on the organ, the second on the piano. The new children’s choir will lead us in singing a song. And we’ll still get to enjoy our own choir singing an anthem.
I hope to see everyone here on Sunday as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord together!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kim