Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who made Holy Week and Easter such a rich, blessed event! Lead Musicians for Sunrise and Communion: Chad Pittman, Carrie Fisher, May Ball, Aya Amagavin, Claire Trimble, Jeff Chaz, and our Bell and Chancel choirs!. Everyone is so blessed by your gifts. But there were so many other folks behind the scenes! Chris Roberts for publicity (ESPECIALLY that new church sign!!), Henry and Diane Kleinfeldt for food and setup, Cheryl Roberts for herculean efforts preparing 8 services, Amie Benson, Samantha Larsen, and Mary Braun for preparing Good Friday in the Sanctuary as well as other events, people who shared food, provided lilies, took care of children, donated eggs and candy for the children's Easter Egg hunt..and...the the list could go on and on!! THANK YOU!!


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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