We had a great Day of Giving for GiveNola Day!

We had a great GiveNola Day this year!  We raised $655!!  

GiveNOLA Day is a 24-hour event hosted by the Greater New Orleans Foundation to inspire people to give generously to nonprofit organizations that are making our region stronger, creating a thriving community for all. GiveNOLA Day raises money for the community, brings new donors to local nonprofits, and shows that anyone can be a philanthropist.

Thank you to everyone who supported , over 710 nonprofits and organizations raised nearly $4.9 million in 24 hours!  We were excited to be a part of it.  We know that while our members were donating they also took advantage of the easy interface to share some love for other needy organizations might not be typically be set up for online donations or might not be on your radar.  We have heard from members who have donated to lots of great local causes, and we are so impressed with our fantastic socially conscious, big hearted membership!

  • Youth Run NOLA
  • Friends of Palmer Park
  • Project Peaceful Warriors
  • Ride New Orleans
  • CASA New Orleans
  • ACLU Foundation of Louisiana
  • Son of a Saint
  • Jefferson SPCA


Check our progress and plan ahead to give next year!  We are always looking for volunteers to work on this committee.  It's only once a year, and a lot easier than the pumpkin patch!





Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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