Wedding Fee Schedule

Ceremony Fees

Use of the the First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans' sanctuary:

Cost: $2,000 (current as of July 1, 2024)

Fee includes:

  • 1-hour rehearsal
  • 3-hour wedding inclusive of set-up, processional, ceremony, recessonal, photos, breakdown
  • Existing furnishings
  • Basic sound equipment (for pastor/speakers)
  • Use of baby grand piano
  • Waiting area for groomsmen
  • Wedding coordinator for rehearsal and wedding (4 hours total)

Fee does not include: 

  • Pastor
  • Bridal parlor

Additional set-up may be arranged for early arrival of florals, etc. 

​Cost: $150/hour

Payment requirements

Deposit of $500 due with wedding agreement. Wedding date will not be held without deposit or agreement. Deposit is 50% refundable up to 3 months prior to wedding. 

Full remaining balance is due two months prior to wedding.

Additional set-up fees should be paid no later than at rehearsal. 







Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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