Why First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans is Ideal for a Destination Wedding

Destination weddings have grown significantly in the past couple of decades. According to Travel Bash, they now represent 25% of the wedding market. Destination weddings in New Orleans have become so popular that there is a whole sub website called “My Wedding in New Orleans” that is part of NewOrleans.com, which is the official website for the New Orleans tourism industry. It is operated by New Orleans & Company, which was formerly known as the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau, a non-profit organization that promotes New Orleans as a premier travel destination. 

Why New Orleans? 

Why, indeed? Well for starters, New Orleans is an American city that is like no other in the United States. The city has preserved its Old World charm and also incorporates many influences from French, Spanish, and African cultures. The atmosphere is lush and languid. There is a certain joie de vivre here that signifies you are not in your typical work-a-day routine. 

The city offers the unique sounds of brass bands and other jazz instruments, Cajun and Creole flavors, and a vibrant nightlife. Although hot in the summer, New Orleans rarely if ever sees snow, making it a great year-round destination. Events in this city just feel special. 

Why First Pres?

Many couples want to combine unique with tradition. There’s something special and solemnizing about an authentic church wedding – something that starts the couple’s union on just the right note. 

At First Presbyterian, you can have the church wedding of your dreams in your dream city! Why give up that image of you and your intended sharing vows in the chancel of a beautiful gothic church? 

Some churches limit weddings to official members of the church, but at First Pres, our open and affirming spirit encompasses the entire Church of God. We love to see couples coming together in love to celebrate the holy bond of marriage. And we try to make it as easy on you as possible. 

How to get started

First you’ll want to review our website, our guidelines, and our FAQs to see if we’re a good fit for what you are looking for. Definitely take a look at the photos on our website and in our Facebook album

Of course, the best way to determine if First Pres is right for you is to come see it in person. Reach out to Dee Boling, our wedding coordinator, to schedule an appointment during your early planning visits. Either Dee or someone on staff will show you our stunning sanctuary and talk about the options for weddings here. 

Location, Location, Location

First Presbyterian is located close to everything in the city. We’re at the edge of what’s known as the Broadmoor Neighborhood, very close to Uptown and the Garden District. We’re about 15 minutes away from the heart of the French Quarter. 


We also have loads of experience planning destination weddings. Dee spent 12 years in New Orleans event planning and has loads of contacts in the industry. Over the past 25 years, we’ve held weddings for couples from all corners of the U.S. 

In this case you can have your wedding cake and eat it, too. You can combine a beautiful destination wedding with the church wedding of your dreams. Let us know how we can help you to make your dream a reality.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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