Becoming the Work Group

members and friends of FPC pictured in Baton Rouge after a day of house gutting.

A group of our members and friends went to Baton Rouge Saturday to help gut a house that had been flooded. The sights and smells were far too familiar. The older couple who own the home are staying at University Presbyterian Church in Baton Rouge. This is a section of Baton Rouge called Sherwood Forest, not far from the Presbytery of South Louisiana office (which was also flooded, along with Faith Presbyterian Church next door).

Once the host to many work groups from all over the country, FPCNO has BECOME the WORK GROUP. We are happy to serve,and are already planning our next trip.  If you would like to make a financial contirbution, please do so directly with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

If you would like to send a monitary gift directly to Charles and Leona, the wonderful homeowners, please send us a message and we will put you in touch.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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