Seekers Wanted Bible Study

We are tying something new with our latest Bible Study: Meetup is a service that takes care of meeting logistics and allows you to advertise with the subscribers.  Its free to join and there are thousands of subscribers. It's a terrific tool for reaching seekers and a useful tool for organizing our studies!  The meetings will be on Tuesday nights at 7pm. 

To join the group go to and enter Seekers Wanted in the search box.  Click on the Seekers Wanted icon when it pops up and then click Join.  After you join, you then go to the bottom pick a date that you want to come and click the date.  Once that screen pops up click on the green RSVP button and you are scheduled to come!  Any questions you can contact the group leader, Hoy.  Email us and we will put you in touch:

The first meeting was September 6th at 7pm in the Session Room of the Church.   We are starting with Matthew.  Newcomers are welcome every week, you don't need to attend every meeting to enjoy the benefits of this small group Bible Study. We hope that you will seek with us!


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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