100th Birthday Celebration for Opus 635 (1916) Austin Organ

You are cordially invited to the 100th Birthday Celebration of our Opus 635 (1916) Austin Organ.  The magnificent instrument has been in continual use for the past 100 years with interruptions only due to being moved to a new church location in 1938, and to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  The Trompette en Chamade was added on the rear wall of the sanctuary at a later date.

The Organ Centennial Celebration will take place during the 11am Worship Service on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016 with a reception immediately following.  All are welcome.
Gregory A. Nussel, a former organist for the church,  is coming from San Antonio, Texas to play the service.  While a resident of the New Orleans area, Mr. Nussel served many churches, including positions with First Presbyterian, All Saints Episcopal in River Ridge, and, following Hurricane Katrina, Interim Organist at Christ Church Cathedral.  He has enjoyed a variety of church assignments during his 46 years of playing.
After his retirement from federal government service in New Orleans, with his wife Vanessa, he relocated to San Antonio, Texas where he remains active in church music, playing each Sunday at Epiphany Anglican Church, but also playing a wide diversity of other assignments in Episcopal, Lutheran, Anglican and Methodist Churches.
The service will feature music, both sung and played, and should be a joyous occasion to celebrate this 100th birthday of the “King of Instruments”, Austin Opus 635.


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