Pastor Kim: Connecting over Coffee

New weekly off-site coffee shop office hours: Tuesdays from 7am to 9am and Thursdays from 9am to 11am, for conversation on anything from personal matters to church concerns to world peace – or anything else.


Sometimes people are more comfortable talking with a pastor outside of the walls of a church. This is your time to drop by or to bring a friend to visit. You don't have to have a particular need to stop by, but it is fine if you do.


This Thursday you can find Pastor Kim at French Truck Café (4536 Dryades St) from 9am to 11am. Check the Google Calendar on this page for future locations or other changes. 


*Note: Old fashioned one-on-one meetings at the church are also available by appointment (email or call) or stop by during the dedicated on-site office hours on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4pm.


UPDATE week of July 24:
This week's installment of "Coffee Hours" with Pastor Kim will be:
*Tuesday, July 25 – 7am - 9am Rue de le Course on the corner of S. Carrollton Ave and Oak St.
*Thursday, July 27 – 9am - 11am Morning Call Coffee Stand in City Park, 56 Dreyfous Dr.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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