Happy Hour with Pastor Kim

Pastor Kim's Coffee Hours, now extended to a Happier Hour!


New Location for today: Oak Wine Bar who also serves beer, and cocktails ranging from Bud Light to fancy drinks such as the Pink Ponchatoula , small plates, (chocolate cake!), and the best thing of all great conversation with Pastor Kim.

(Original Post Below)
Today you can raise a cold one with the good pastor at Ale on Oak from 5pm-7pm.

As always, typical on-site at the church meetings are open on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4 for anyone who wants to drop by, or schedule a visit another time, either at the church or someone else. Just call or email kim@fpcno.org, 866-7409 to set up a time.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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