Dylan Boling, Eagle Scout candidate from Boy Scout from Troop 185 has finished constrtuction on a handicap ramp at the Prieur St. entrance. This was financed through a crowdfunding campagin and dedicated in memory of longtime church member the late Mrs. Mina Lea Crais.
The dedication from our November 4th ribbon cutting, led by Rev. Lynn Hyder.
Responsive Reading:
This is the handicap ramp that love built. (response)
It is full of the love for God and country and for those who struggle to enter this building.
This is the handicap ramp that love built.
It is full of the love of all who have worshipped here; those who have celebrated and grieved here; the babies dedicated, couples married, the members ordained and family members mourned here.
This is the handicap ramp that love built.
It is full of the love of our children, as they learn and laugh together, and our youth, as they grow into their own sense of purpose and meaning.
This is the handicap ramp that love built.
It is not just Dylan Boling’s Eagle Scout project. It is the vision and dream of a young man poised on adulthood, committed to helping others and remembering even those whom he loved who will never use it.
This is the handicap ramp that love built.
It is full of the love of the Boy Scout Troop who saw his vision and desire to become an Eagle Scout. This love was made so clear by their joining together to build it.
This is the handicap ramp that love built.
It is full of our love: the love of this community, despite our differences and our disagreements; the love that holds us together as a people.
This is the handicap ramp that love built.
We dedicate it to the memory of Mrs. Mina Crais who loved this church, but struggled with entering the building and we dedicate ourselves to helping those who need it to use it and have access to the Good News of God’s great love for them.
This is the handicap ramp that love built. Amen.