The Fourth and Current Building, 1938 to the present

After the Federal Government purchased the church's land on Lafayette Square, a new church was sought uptown where most of the members were residents.  An entire square of ground was obtained on S. Claiborne Ave. between Jefferson Ave. and Octavia St.  Before demolition of the splendid and Gothic building, various elements were salvaged to be incorporated into the new, current building: pews, stained glass, mill work, and the old bell.  The new building, of a buff colored brick with limestone trim was also in the Gothic style, but in no way a replica of the old church.  Adjacent to the church, a 2 story brick education building was also constructed, connected by a covered walkway.

In 1985 an addition to the education building was completed, connecting the church buildings in the rear. 

August 28, 2005: worship was canceled and we chose to evacuate in preparation for Hurricane Katrina.  Days later the levees failed resulting in massive flooding, including 33 inches of water in the church's (above ground level) sanctuary. Easter Sunday, 2006 the congregation returned to worship in the sanctuary with ongoing restorations, where we still worship every Sunday morning at 11:00am.  "Where you are always welcome."  
This information was culled from a book published by the Louisiana Landmarks Society through the Samuel Wilson, Jr. Publication fund, (c) 1988, dedicated to the memory Collins Diboll.

Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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