Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!
We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).
We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.
Scriptures, sermon, and music for Sunday, July 26, 2020. Liturgist Mary Frances Brashears reads Psalm 139:1-12. Elder Bruce Robertson preaches on "Lord of All Pots and Pans and Things" from Ephesians 2:11-22. Sydney McMath provides a musical offering.
For those who weren't able to be there, here's the video link for Sunday, July 19, 2020. Sydney McMath plays and sings "Surely the Presence of the Lord Is in This Place," and she and Randy Boling join together on the postlude, "Let It Be." Bruce Robertson reads from Romans 8:12-25.Rev. Kathleen Crighton reads Genesis 28:10-19a and preaches on "Sacred Spaces." Thanks again to Rich Tatum for videoing the service!
If you weren't able to attend worship on Sunday, here's a link to some music from Sydney McMath, a scripture reading from Lydia Pollard, and a scripture and sermon from Rev. Kathy. Yes, it is hot. Yes, it is scary out there. Stay safe!
Here's the video of today's scriptures, sermon, and our first-in-four-months live communion service. If you were unable to be in church and would like to celebrate communion at home, the liturgy is in this video after the sermon. And after communion, we've got another great musical offering from Sydney and Randy!
Here are scripture readings, a sermon by Youth Coordinator Molly Morris, and a postlude by Sydney McMath and Randy Boling. Rev. Kathleen Crighton presents a message about Staycation Bible School.
With Tropical Storm Cristobal approaching, we have decided to cancel the live worship service in the sanctuary for Sunday, June 7, 2020. We plan to resume the service next Sunday, June 14. Please stay safe!
Contact Info
5401 South Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
Email: info@fpcno.org
Phone:(504) 866-7409
Presbyterian Fun Fact
There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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