Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!
We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).
We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.
Many folks take the week after Easter as a break from school and work to travel or visit family out of town. Did you miss the service this Sunday? Here are links to the videos of the children's message and scriptures, sermon, and music.
If you weren't able to be with us for Easter 2021, here are videos of the children's message and worship service. Be sure to watch the worship video to the end for the return of our own Peter Cho playing a musical offering!
Children’s message
Worship service
Pastor Kathy Crighton and Rich Tatum were married at First Presbyterian on Saturday, March 27, 2010. You can be married at First too! If you're making wedding plans, check out our wedding pages!
First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans has been holding in-person worship and adult Sunday school classes since May 17, 2020. We're live for 2021 Holy Week and Easter activities. If you've been hesitant to come back to church, know that we require masks and social distancing and have implemented practices for the safe distribution of communion elements. Many of our regulars have now been vaccinated. We welcome you to join us this Holy Week and Easter!
Here's a video of upcoming activities.
Palm Sunday, March 28
Elder and teacher extraordinaire Bruce Robertson will preach.
Maundy Thursday, April 1
Tenebrae service with communion in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. Rev. Kathy and Elder Zane Fisher will lead the service.
Good Friday, April 2
Sanctuary open for prayer from noon to three.
Easter Sunday, April 4
Hi, all! Thanks to all who braved the early hour to make it to church this morning. For those who didn't, no problem! Here are links to the videos from today's service. We are one year into this pandemic, and God still walks this road with us!
Hi, all! Here are links to Sunday's service. Sydney McMath returned for one last Sunday with us and recorded a musical tribute to the late Dr. Will Mackintosh. Prayers for Sydney's safe travel back to South Carolina. We hope she will be able to come back and be with us again soon!
Children’s Message
Sermon Date:
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Elder Bruce Mather gives a powerful testimony about a near-death experience he recently had. Also, a tribute to our wonderful friend and musician, Sydney McMath, who will soon be returning to South Carolina.
Video links:
Children’s message
Worship service
Contact Info
5401 South Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
Email: info@fpcno.org
Phone:(504) 866-7409
Presbyterian Fun Fact
There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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