Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!
We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).
We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.
After the Federal Government purchased the church's land on Lafayette Square, a new church was sought uptown where most of the members were residents. An entire square of ground was obtained on S. Claiborne Ave. between Jefferson Ave.
Despite the lack of pastor and building, the pew holders (members) continued to meet for worship and decided to rebuild on the same ground, "as speedily as possible." Work began in October 1855. Plans included a large spire that was installed in an unconventional way - by constructing it on the ground and lifting it into place. The 23 ton spire was installed to great spectacle in front of a large crowd on December 23, 1856. It measured 219 feet, and became the tallest in the city, surpassing St. Patrick's by 30 feet. The first service was held in the completed church on Nov.
After the split with Dr. Clapp, the Presbyterian members met in a warehouse located on Lafayette Square, and duly formed a committee "for the purpose of building a New Presbyterian Church in this city" and purchased the warehouse where they had been meeting. Construction of the new Greek Revival style was completed in 1835. The 1838 city directory described it as an edifice of the Grecian Doric order. The basement story of granite, the rest constructed of brick plastered to imitate stone (already discolored and in need of repair). In 1844 the church was considerably enlarged.
A very handsome brick building, with a Gothic front, situated in the suburb of St. Mary, at the corner of St. Charles and Union St. Unpainted brick, devoid of any ornamentation, with a belfry in which is a striking town clock, and having an organ. A simple rectangular structure with a square, squat tower in the front. This building was used until 1934 when the Pastor, Dr. Clapp, and most of the congregation defected from the Presbyterian doctrine and started the "Congregational Church" who remained in this building.
First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans will mark both its own long history and the history of the Presbyterian Church in New Orleans with a festive weekend of anniversary events November 10 and 11.
Festivities will begin on Saturday, November 10 with a birthday bash for all ages. Activities will include a scavenger hunt and a bounce house, along with food and beverages, hosted in the churchyard. The birthday bash will be held from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm.
Dylan Boling, Eagle Scout candidate from Boy Scout from Troop 185 has finished constrtuction on a handicap ramp at the Prieur St. entrance. This was financed through a crowdfunding campagin and dedicated in memory of longtime church member the late Mrs. Mina Lea Crais.
The dedication from our November 4th ribbon cutting, led by Rev. Lynn Hyder.
Responsive Reading:
This is the handicap ramp that love built. (response)
It is full of the love for God and country and for those who struggle to enter this building.
Our motto is, "Buy a Pumpkin, Make a Difference!" Here's why:
First Presbyterian Church is gearing up for the 18th year of our annual pumpkin patch fundraiser. The First Presbyterian Church Program of Hope Pumpkin Patch opens on Sunday, September 30th at 1:00 pm. Before that, we have to unload the pumpkins!
First Presbyterian is on the cusp of another period of transition. We were surprised to learn recently that Pastor Kim would be stepping down, but we wish her success in her new calling. Pastor Kim's last worship service will be this week, June 24, and you can still find her in the church office until June 26.
This Sunday we will celebrate our year together with with cake and refreshments after worship. It will be a time to say goodbye as well as a time to celebrate three new Elders who will be ordained and begin serving on the Session.
Contact Info
5401 South Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
Email: info@fpcno.org
Phone:(504) 866-7409
Presbyterian Fun Fact
There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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