Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!

We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).

We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.

Faith Leaders Reject Separating Families

First Presbyterian has signed a joint statment by New Orleans Faith Leaders rejecting the separation of families at the US border.

The statement originated with the Rev. Elizabeth Mangham Lott of St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church. This week clergy will meet to share this statement broadly and talk about action steps in addressing the present border crisis of separating families. 


12 June 2018

A call to welcome from faith leaders of New Orleans.

Mina Crais Memorial Service -- 6/2/18 -- 11 am

First Presbyterian Church will hold a memorial service for our longtime member and friend, Mina Crais, on June 2, 2018 at 11 am.  

Holy Week at First Presbyterian

Come join us at First Presbyterian as we celebrate Holy Week!

Heart Labyrinth - All week in the church yard at the corner of South Claiborne and Octavia 

The labyrinth will invite you to take a meditative journey into the heart of God during this week in which God’s heart was laid bare for us all. If you are someone who finds your mind wandering when you try to pray, this labyrinth may help you experience prayer in a new way. It will be constructed in the side yard (pumpkin patch) for the whole week. Come as you are able.


Curbside Ashes to Geaux

Curbside Ashes to Geaux at the corner of S. Claiborne and Jefferson from 11:00am-1:00pm and from 4:30-5:30pm. 
Wednesday, February 14 the ashes will be given to people on foot or in cars and will be accompanied by a short prayer for the person receiving ashes. The sanctuary will be open during those times for quiet meditation. 

Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast

Join us for breakfast and prayer on February 11, the Sunday before Mardi Gras. We will not have 11:00 worship that day, as most people are engaged with parades or hampered by traffic. Instead we will gather at the back of the sanctuary and share fellowship and a simple morning prayer service. Breakfast will be available anytime between 9 and 10; morning prayer will begin at 9:15. Start your day off with your church family, enjoying spiritual and physical sustenance before you join in the city's day of festivities.  

Happy 200th Birthday, FPC!

Today marks the 200th anniversary of the first church service of what would become the First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans. It also marks the arrival of our first pastor, Reverend Sylvester Larned.

Youth outing

The youth had a great time at Highland Presbyterian in Baton Rouge. We created bags for the homeless to hand out to them and we worked in their garden orchard.  The food goes to the food bank down the street.

Polar Express Party (Parents Night Out!)

Polar Express Party (Parents Night Out!) Sunday Dec. 17
First Presbyterian Church 
corner of S. Claiborne Ave. and Jefferson, enter on S. Prieur St.

Children- wear your pajamas and prepare to have fun! Suggested donation is $10.

Drop off is at 4pm. 
(Enter the church through the S. Prieur St. door and go upstairs to the fellowship hall.)
Pickup is 8pm sharp!

We will start the movie around 5pm. Dinner will be cheese pizza. Snacks will include popcorn and hot chocolate, and we might have time for some cookie decorating!

Reconciliation, Racial Equity, and Healing

Today we welcomed new friends from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, to learn more about our shared history surrounding Reverend Benjamin M. Palmer, to think about racial equity, healing, and reconciliation. It was an especially meaningful beginning of Advent, with a sermon given jointly by our own Rev. Dr. Kim Rodrigue and Dr. Noelle Chaddock from Rhodes College.

A First Presbyterian Christmas

Did you know that we recorded a Christmas CD in 2003?

A First Presbyterian Christmas: Music of the Christmas and Advent Seasons, recorded and produced by the members of FPCNO.  Includes live recordings from the sanctuary and also some songs produced in the studio, including piano, guitar, handbells, choir and children's choir and readings.

You can download the whole CD for 9.99, or individual songs for 99 cents each!



Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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