Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!
We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).
We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.
Today is World Communion Sunday. We had a wonderful service this morning with breads from, Africa, Switzerland, France, the Mediterranean, Central America, and our usual Jewish Challah bread. The table was set with beautiful textiles from places near and far.
It is good to be reminded that the body of Christ is found in every corner of the world. This is certainly a feast that the Lord has prepared for us. Taste and see that the Lord is Good!
Our pumpkin truck is on the road. It should be here late tonight. We will unload tomorrow (MONDAY) at 5pm. We need to get these orange beauties off the hot humid truck ASAP so we cannot wait for perfect conditions. Sorry to ask everyone to come out on a work/school night but it is what it is. We have seen the weather forcast, and hope that there is no rain!
If you can't come, please help us network and share our plea with someone else who might be abe to help. Thank you!
Fundraiser for Program of Hope Homeless Outreach and First Presbyterian Church
Be a part of the FALL FUN and come to the pumpkin patch to get your service hours!
The Pumpkin Patch is a happy place to spend a little time and get into the FALL spirit.
Bring your pumpkin spice latte and work a pumpkin shift!
Urban Harvest aka Unload the Truck!
Pumpkin Cashier – Sell a Pumpkin Make a Difference!
"Do you, as members of the church of Jesus Christ, promise to guide and nurture Ethan and Jack, by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of his church?"
The people respond:
"We do!"
Calling all Saints fans and pot luck fans and everyone else too!
Wear your lucky Saints gear to worship! Then, join us in the Fellowship Hall to watch the Saints beat the Patriots, on a big projection screen TV. Bring a dish to share. BYOB and ice will be provided.
We will be celebrating two very special birthdays at half time.
It will be a fun afternoon. Hope to see everyone! WHO DAT!!
UPDATE! Great News!! After the commissioning service we will have a joyous reception in the Fellowship Hall, with special guests Square Dance NOLA providing music and dance calling. Square Dance Nola holds monthly dances in our Fellowship Hall on the second Monday of each month (excepting June & July). We have a mutual affection for each other and we are thrilled that they will be sharing in our celebration of Pastor Kim's arrival.
This is an amazing story to tell, but it's a little long,and VERY New Orleans.
The FPC Worship Committee and Session are monitoring the weather. Our current plan to issue updates is to use the church Yahoo email list, Facebook, and this web page. If you would like to join the Yahoo email list, send us a message for instructions: web@fpcno.org
What a wonderful serivce we had today!
What a blessing to have our church family grow today with a new baptism and new member! We celebrate this milestore together with Lynn and Wayne and look forward to many more.
This was Pastor Kim's first baptism with FPC! We celebrated with music from the bell choir, performing "Jesus Loves Me," and “Thy Holy Wings" sung by the choir. We sang old and new hymns, “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” "I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry” and “Lord, I Want to Be a Christian."
"If ever there were a time for people to wake up and see that we are citizens of a whole city and state and nation, and more than that, citizens of God’s whole big world, isn't it now?
If ever there were a time for people to acknowledge that being members of a particular racial group DOES shape our experience of God and other people - AND that we are, ALL OF US, part of the whole human race under God, isn't this the time?
Contact Info
5401 South Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
Email: info@fpcno.org
Phone:(504) 866-7409
Presbyterian Fun Fact
There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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