Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!

We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).

We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.

Marche d'Hiver was a Success!

The major fundraiser for the La Liason parent organization, of the Lyceé Français was this past Saturday and it was a big success.  This was easily the largest event on the church's property in recent history.  The Lyceé Français is a public school that has 4 preschool classes located in our building, so we wish them great success.  

Christmas Season is here!

There are lots of great events coming to celebrate the birth of Chist.  At worship on December 14th will be the Greening of the Sanctuary along with one of our favorites -- Christmas Lessons and Carols.  It's a lot of fun for the whole family as we sing the classic Christmas carols in church.  The following night,we will meet at the church for bell caroling in the FPCNO neighborhood.  After we sing a few songs and bring the joy of Christ's birth to our friends and neighbors, we'll meet in the sanctuary for our annual Christmas party and open house.

Bourbon Jesus Ministry

Pastor Fred as Bourbon Jesus

The pictures are up!  This past September, Rev. Fred Powell, as well as other members, stood as a quiet, loving protectors between French Quarter visitors and the pharisees who trolled Bourbon Street screaming damnation during the Southern Decadence celebration. Pastor Fred took pictures with revelers and shared Christ's love.  Please visit the Bourbon Jesus web page to see all the pictures.

Greater New Orleans CROP Hunger Walk

Would you walk a mile to feed a starving family? Then plan to walk with First Presbyterian Church in the first GNO CROP Hunger Walk! It will be a pleasant 1 or 1.5 mile walk along the lakefront in the early morning, but your walk will pay for food not only in 3rd world countries, but right here in New Orleans! Friend us www.facebook.com/NOLACROP.

Zephyrs Family Day

Let’s all meet up at Zephyrs Field on Sunday, August 31 game time 6 pm to watch the Zephyr’s vs Memphis Redbirds game. Admission is $5.00, there will be activities for the kids and fireworks. We can all sit together and have some F.P.C-Zephyr’s fun. See you there!

Interfaith Dialogue and Calvinism Seminar

led by Rev. Keith Abramowski who will be presenting Calvin’s life and theology and his place in the diverse church of the 21st century. Lunch will be served! We are expecting visitors from many faith traditions from Roman Catholic to Orthodox to Pentecostal believers!

Life of the Congregation

General photos of us, our beautiful sanctuary and our events and gatherings.

A Cappella Sunday

 First Presbyterian Church has some of the finest acoustics in New Orleans and we will be exploring the sound of singing and praising God with our voices!

Affordable Housing Sunday/Potluck Luncheon

Please bring extra refreshments to share with our guests. Next communion Sunday we will celebrate Project Homecoming, our local grassroots Presbyterian project to rebuild and restore New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Our special guests, will be visitors from FPC Program of Hope outreach program and those affected by homelessness

Katrina Damage and Recovery



Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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