Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!

We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).

We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.

Easter Fun

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday at First Presbyterian. The children and adults gathered before worship in the yard for an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bonnet Contest.  View the full set of photos on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.942848275774360.1073741858.102737049785491

Getting Ready for Easter

We have several observances planned for Holy Week and celebtrations planned for Easter Sunday.  Please join us!  All are welcome.  

Maundy Thursday 6:00 pm Thursday, April 2nd. Start in the Fellowship Hall with a "Stations of Deliverance" Passover experience as you make a personal, quiet, journey with Jesus at your own pace to 6 different stations that tell the story of Exodus and Jesus last Supper with his disciples (6pm to 6.45 pm). Then we will gather for a short communion service in the sanctuary at 6.45.


Enjoli and Kelly Mallary pictured following their wedding ceremony in New York

Tuesday the PCUSA officially became the largest Christian denomination in the US to affirm that Love IS LOVE...and recognize that same sex marriages are created and blessed by God!  We are excited to celebrate with members Kelly and Enjoli Mallary, who were married in New York State last April.  What a wonderful blessing for their first anniverary!

Planned Parenthood Rally

Recently First Presbyterian opened our doors to a impromptu Planned Parenthood rally that was enthusiastically attended by more than 200 supporters, including Councilwomen Latoya Cantrell and Susan Guidry, both of whom are passionately and consistently concerned about the state of health care in our city. We are looking forward to further events and lobbying our government in Baton Rouge for more funding for mental and physical health services in Louisiana.

March/April Newsletter 2015

In this issue:

  • Program of Hope 7 year anniversary.
  • FUNdraising committee info.
  • What's up with the kitchen?

Weekly Bible Study

Join us for a 6 week Bible Study Series led by Pastor Fred focusing on "Reaching Your Goals."

The first reading and lesson will focus on Lazarus, Lazarus Come Out!

Identify your goals and make concrete plans to reach the goals that you hold close.  The first four weeks will focus on personal goals and the last 2 weeks will focus on how to apply those ideas to the church as a whole.


Fellowship Abounds this Mardi Gras Season

It's been a fun Mardi Gras so far for the members and friends of First Pres, with lots of great fellowship taking place.   For many years members have gathered along the St. Charles Ave. route to watch the parades together in front of a member's home.  This past Sunday our worshipers were treated to a sermon by guest pastor Rev. Bob Malsbury while Pastor Fred got ready for his annual ride in King Arthur.  After worship the group made their way to the route to spend a lovely afternoon together.

Program of Hope Year End Summary 2014

In 2014, the Program of Hope served over three thousand people.  Every Wednesday morning volunteers open our sanctuary to create a compassionate and nurturing environment and provide participants with overnight vouchers to the Salvation Army, clothing, counseling, spiritual care, meals, job placement, resume assistance, bus tokens, and much more.

Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service

Monday night Pastor Fred Powell and Deacon Dave Capasso attended the Week of Christian Unity Ecumenical Prayer Service at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church.  It was a gathering of Orthodox and Protestant clergy from throughout the greater New Orleans area to pray for Christian unity. 

Honoring Retiring Clerk of Session Steven Strength

Pastor Fred and Steven Strength

This past Sunday, January 19, we honored Steven Strength, our long-standing Clerk of Session who faithfully served in that role for five years. Thanks Steven!

Pastor Fred presetned Steven with a plaque and a bottle of champage.  



Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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