Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!

We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).

We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.

We bid farewell to Pastor Fred

We bid farewell to Pastor Fred Powell, III, today and thank him for his ministry as the 16th Pastor of FPCNO. His sermon today was a moving acount of Elijah and the 450, trusting in God, and our faith that God is leading us in the right direction.

We enjoyed a reception after worship with cake and refreshments. We wish Fred well as he moves on to his next calling.

Square Dance Nola, special edition for our mission group from Los Angeles

This Sunday, after worship we are all invited to a special edition of Square Dance Nola specially arranged for a work group who will be in town from the Presbytery of the Pacific in Los Angeles. “Lost in the Holler” is providing the music and the dance calling is going to be by Rev. Dan Wally Baker.

Please bring a dish to share and invite your friends to this kid fun family friendly all ages event.

We will wrap up by 1.30 pm so there will be plenty of time to get out to Jazz Fest in the afternoon too.

Second Annual Jazz Fest Concert #rockthechurch

We welcomed back our friends Langhorne Slim with an impressive lineup including the Deslondes, Aurora Nealand, Topsy Chapman & Solid Harmony, Joey Savoy, the Lostines during the first weekend of Jazz Fest.  

The ambiance was spectacular and we were able to raise money for the ministries of FPCNO through beverage sales.

A very special off-site wedding performed by Pastor Fred

We were honored to take part in the first-ever wedding to take place in the newly opened University Medical Center of New Orleans on Friday, April 22, 2016. Yolanda Welsh and Michael Cheeks had been looking forward to their wedding, planned for November 2016, since Michael proposed last August. Their plans changed when Yolanda was admitted to UMC last week and they learned that her stage 4 kidney disease was now at stage 5. Michael and Yolanda decided to move up their wedding and contacted the hospital’s attorney and staff for guidance on notarizing their marriage paperwork.

A Community Voice by Southern United Neighborhoods

A Community Voice by Southern United Neighborhoods

Want to buy your own home?

Legal services, Healtcare Services, Loan and Morgate Lenders, Affordable Housing Programs, First-Time Homebuyers Classes

March/April 2016 Newsletter

Langhorne Slim films music video "Changes"

First Presbyterian Church is enjoying our most recent 15 minutes of fame thanks to Americana indie rockers Langhorne Slim & The Law.  

We were honored to be the location for the music video, "Changes," which premiered on the Conan O'Brien, show, CONAN, which aired on TBS.  

January/February Newsletter 2016

In this issue:

  • Welcome to some new members.
  • Ash Wednesday pancake supper.
  • Mardi Gras recipes.

Socially Conscious and Agriculturally Responsible

Our supplier, Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers, exercises sustainable agricultural practices. All Pumpkin Patch products are non-GMO. Cover crops are used to prevent soil erosion & suppress weeds, reducing the need for the use of herbicides. These responsible agricultural practices mean that we provide a great product, which has less of an impact on the environment.  

Pumpkin Modeling Debut with Culture Shock

The pumpkins got a supporting role in a recent jewelry photo shoot in the patch.  Christine Alexis, the designer of Culture Shock  jewelry contacted us about doing a photo shoot in the patch and we were so flattered.  As it turns out we have a lot in common with this young local company.  The pumpkin patch business model is socially conscious and agriculturally sustainable.  Culture Shock is too!



Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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