Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!

We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).

We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.

Pumpkin Patch - That's a Wrap!

We're officially sold out! Thanks to everyone for supporting our pumpkin patch fundraiser!

100th Birthday Celebration for Opus 635 (1916) Austin Organ

You are cordially invited to the 100th Birthday Celebration of our Opus 635 (1916) Austin Organ.  The magnificent instrument has been in continual use for the past 100 years with interruptions only due to being moved to a new church location in 1938, and to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  The Trompette en Chamade was added on the rear wall of the sanctuary at a later date.

The Pumpkin Patch is OPEN DAILY!

Buy a Pumpkin Make a Difference!

Opening times: 

Monday - Friday 3pm
Saturday 10am
Sunday 1pm
Closes daily at sunset, between 6:30 and 7pm.
Cash, Check, Credit cards accepted
(add 3% processing fee for credit cards)

New this year! Pumpkin pricing by vertical circumference. No more estimating! All bulk pumpkins will be measured.

Complete Price List:

2067 Pumpkins Unloaded!

The pumpkins are here! We unloaded all 2067 of them and are very grateful for all of the help from hard working Boy Scout Troop 185, Vamonos NolaLaToya Cantrell, and members and friends of FPC, including some of the clients of the Program of Hope which this patch supports. We are all tired from working so hard and we remember those among us who don't have a comfortable bed or safe place to sleep tonight.

Pallet Time!

It's time to start collecting pallets. If you have a pallet source, let us know! We need about 200 pallets to keep the pumpkins elevated off the damp ground.

If you are a business owner and would like to donate pallets that are in good shape, please reach out to us!  pumpkinpatch@fpcno.org


New Lights in Fellowship Hall

Special thanks to the donors and volunteers who helped install new lighting in the Fellowship Hall.  We loved the icicle lights that our dance groups put up for their Christmas parties and other celebrations, not to mention room simply needing more light.  We were inspired to do something similar with easy-to-replace-bulbs.  The new lights look awesome and the room is perfect for dancing, parties, and receptions.

Seekers Wanted Bible Study

We are tying something new with our latest Bible Study: Meetup.com. Meetup is a service that takes care of meeting logistics and allows you to advertise with the subscribers.  Its free to join and there are thousands of subscribers. It's a terrific tool for reaching seekers and a useful tool for organizing our studies!  The meetings will be on Tuesday nights at 7pm. 

Program of Hope This Morning

The Program of Hope in progress this morning. It's a wonderful ministry and you can see how many are in need. Donations are accepted on our web site under the About tab, scroll down to Donate, and click through to PayPal.


Clothing, bus tokens, toiletries, and food items can be dropped off at the church office which is located at the back of the church building on S. Prieur St.


Photo credit Tom Paine, Parkway Presbyterian Church

Flood Relief Benefit Concert: Alynda Lee Segarra with Sam Doores

We are honored to host Hurray for the Riff Raff's Alynda Lee Segarra with Sam Doores of The Deslondes for a Louisiana flood relief show this Sunday night September 4th.

Doors open at 6pm, music begins at 7pm.

Pew seating. (Historic pews that were soaked in 33 inches of flood water during Katrina and restored!)

Becoming the Work Group

members and friends of FPC pictured in Baton Rouge after a day of house gutting.

A group of our members and friends went to Baton Rouge Saturday to help gut a house that had been flooded. The sights and smells were far too familiar. The older couple who own the home are staying at University Presbyterian Church in Baton Rouge. This is a section of Baton Rouge called Sherwood Forest, not far from the Presbytery of South Louisiana office (which was also flooded, along with Faith Presbyterian Church next door).



Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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