Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!
We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).
We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.
Living Nativity today, the 4th Day of Christmas at 4pm. This will be more of a tableau than a pageant. Come remember the Christmas story. Adults, children, babies, pets- all are welcome. Meet at the back door of the church on S. Prieur St. to try on costumes, or come to the pumpkin patch yard at 4:30 to form the audience.
It's Christmas Eve! Join us at 6 pm for our Christmas Eve candlelight service. Hear the word, sing the good news and joyously celebrate the birth of the Son!
Christmas Morning we will be celebrating with a joint service with the Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans one hour earlier than our usual worship time so PLEASE be aware that the service will be at 10am.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Photo 2013 Living Nativity
Thursday December 22: Please join us for a Blue Christmas service to minister to those who are mourning, suffering or feeling Blue this Christmas season. This will be a short service, between 30 and 45 minutes in the session room. Enter through the S. Prieur St. entrance.
Thank you to new member Billye Constance for pulling together our Youth Choir this year. What a wonderful performance today! What a blessing they are to all of us!
Everyone who braved the cold rainy weather was treated to a marvelous service this morning. We lit the 4th Advent Candle, the candle of Love.
We caroled through the neighborhood to the delight of several families and neighbors last night. We sing along with the handbells that make it easy for all skill levels to participate in this fun holiday tradition. It's a treat for all involved to be surprised with carolers! If you took or picture please post it on our Facebook page!
Merry Christmas to our neighbors and to everyone from First Presbyterian!
As the fourth Sunday of Advent approaches we continue to contemplate the coming of Christ this season. We invite you to come caroling in the neighborhood tomorrow night as we share Christ's LOVE for us with each other as we walk though the neighborhood with handbells, bringing JOY to those who are surprised by a knock on their door following by ringing and enthusiastic singing. (Meet at that S. Prieur St.
Beautiful Service yesterday! Thank you to all who made it special- readers, musicians, the children, the candle lighters, the congregants, friends and families.
We give heartfelt thanks to the worship committee and the setup crew who came in on Saturday to make sure everything went smoothly.
We love our First Presbyterian family and are having a wonderful Advent!
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee. AMEN.
Join us this Sunday Dec. 4 at 11:00am for a completely festive time as we decorate the sanctuary for Christmas! Beginning with the lighting of the Advent candles and continuing with and the story of Jesus told in 8 short Bible readings from Genesis, the prophetic books, and Gospels, interspersed with the singing of carols, hymns, bells, and choir music.
The children will put our cherished Chrismon ornaments on the tree and start setting out the Crèche.
Join us for rehearsals every Sunday beginning November 6 through Sunday December 20. Interested children and teens ages 5 - 18 will rehearse on Sundays during the church service. Singers and their families should arrive at 11am and the children will go to the choir room for rehearsal after the children's sermon at about 11:15am. Parents or friends can remain in church or return ar noon for pick up. All children are welcome to participate, church affiliation is not requiured. Free and open to the public.
Welcome to the Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans (MCC) our new full time tenant of the Fellowship Hall with office space in room 202. This LGBT-affirmative congregation is led by Pastor Alisan Rowland, and is a part of a congregationally-led denomination founded in 1968 to proclaim God's love to those who had previously been denied a place in Christ's church, namely the LGBT community. MCC is at the forefront of transforming churches into places where all are valued and celebrated.
Contact Info
5401 South Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
Email: info@fpcno.org
Phone:(504) 866-7409
Presbyterian Fun Fact
There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
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